Xinghan Wang 王星瀚
I am a Ph.D. candidate at Wangxuan Institute of Computer Technology in Peking University, advised by Prof. Yadong Mu. Prior to that, I received my B.S. degree (Summa Cum Laude) in artificial intelligence (Turing Class) from Peking University.
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My research interests lie in human motion analysis, temporal modeling and multi-modal learning.
Text-controlled Motion Mamba: Text-Instructed Temporal Grounding of Human Motion
Xinghan Wang, Zixi Kang, Yadong Mu
arXiv, 2024
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We introduce the text-based human motion grounding task, along with a new text-motion dataset with temporal and textual annotations. A model called TM-Mamba is proposed which can selectively propagates information using a text-controlled mechanism within the Mamba framework.
Localized Linear Temporal Dynamics for Self-supervised Skeleton Action Recognition
Xinghan Wang, Yadong Mu
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2024
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A temporal contrastive learning framework for self-supervised skeleton action recognition that leverages segment-level localized linear dynamics to acquire discriminative temporal evolution patterns.
Neural Koopman pooling: Control-inspired Temporal Dynamics Encoding for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
Xinghan Wang, Xin Xu, Yadong Mu
CVPR, 2023
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A novel parameterized high-order temporal pooling method based on Koopman theory for skeleton action recognition.
Learning Temporal Co-attention Models for Unsupervised Video Action Localization
Guoqiang Gong, Xinghan Wang, Yadong Mu, Qi Tian
CVPR, 2020
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A fully unsupervised framework for video action localization based on temporal co-attention, clustering and iterative optimization.
Ph.D. candidate, School of Intelligence Science and Technology,
Peking University
2021 - present
B.S., School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science,
Peking University
2017 - 2021
Academic Services
- Reviewer for the following conferences: NeurIPS 2022-24, ACM MM 2022-23, ICCV 2023, ICML 2024, ICLR 2024-25, ECCV 2024, AAAI 2025, CVPR 2025.
- Reviewer for the following journals: Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).